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5 tips on how to make your cat love you more

How do you know your cat loves you? Cats have special ways of demonstrating their love: waiting for you patiently (or impatiently) at the door, following you from room to room, “helping” with work or reading, or bringing you gifts. But how do you show your cat how much you love her? Here are 5 ways to not only express your love, but to make your cat love you even more.   #5 Cat & Mouse Games Those claws aren’t there to only wreak havoc on upholstery. A cat is a highly skilled hunter; they have innate sense for combat with prey. And being a feline, your cat loves to hone those skills, especially with you as a training partner. Luckily, this is easy to do. Toy mice, laser lights, string -- there are tons of cute, fun, and inexpensive toys available for kitties (that should be played with under your supervision, as strings can easily be ingested and cause medical emergencies). Not only do they keep your cat fit and healthy, but they provide you both with quality “together time”

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